By 2022, 30% of our student population would be comprised of those who are economically disadvantaged, PWDs, and may have special learning needs.
By 2022, 85% of graduating students would have demonstrated their expertise in their areas of specialization in at least two collaborative and innovative projects that aim to improve the quality of life of people, especially the poor.
For Inclusion, Benilde is 5.67% behind the target of 23% for the year. This is mainly due to the effects of the Philippine government’s K-12 program. During the past two Academic Years, AY 16-17 and AY 17-18, the College saw a very significant drop in enrollment for new students, which also very much affected the intake of new scholars, persons with special learning needs and those with physical disabilities. The Strategic Initiative for Inclusion have already made plans in order to reach the target for Inclusion in the coming Academic Year.
For Innovation, Benilde has adjusted its curriculum in order to ensure that every Student entering the College in AY 18-19 shall be taking at least three courses embedded with the Service Learning curriculum. These courses will be the avenue for the students to produce the collaborative and innovative projects that aim to improve the quality of life of people, especially the poor.
As for the 13 Strategic Initiatives, out of the 302 identified milestones for AY 17-18, Benilde made progress on 217 milestones giving the College a performance rate of 71.85%. The performance rate for AY 17-18 is 7.97% slower compared to AY 16-17, and 10.4% slower than the average performance for the first three Academic Years of the Strategic Plan of 82.25%. The slowing down can be attributed to several factors, however most notably many of the causes are due to external partners and government institutions either changing their scheduled visits, amending their entire directions and/or releasing Memorandum Orders with limited time for the College to adjust. Though the accomplishment of the milestones have slowed down, majority of the Strategic Initiatives are very much on track in hitting their respective targets.